In The Spiders Web

Encamping in the jungles of a India, a platoon of trampers stumbles upon the primitive vill of Karni Mata — home to a native cult of spider worshippers and toDr. Lecorpus, an American croaker who proves just as redoubtable a fear as the poisonous arachnids. When the trampers discover that they ’re to be offered, their battle to survive becomes one of man- against- man and man- against- nature.
Dinner For Schmucks

Dinner For Schmucks

Schmucks’ is chock full of screwball characters masquerading as normal and an oddly unhealthy love of dead mice. Still it has to be one of

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Step Up 3D

Movie Review: Step Up 3D

Here’s my suggestion for any future installments in the “Step Up” franchise: Less talking, more dancing. Let me preface this by saying that dance films

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The Other Guys

Movie Review: The Other Guys

There’s something magical about the buddy cop genre, so it’s fitting that ‘The Other Guys’ conjures up the perfect mix of laughs, action, titillation, and

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